Noah Kenney
Shaping the Future of Technology and Innovation
Tailored consulting services to accelerate innovation and enhance operational efficiency.
Noah collaborates closely with businesses to tackle their most pressing challenges. Specializing in areas such as general business strategy, digital marketing, automation, system development, data privacy, compliance, and technology implementation, Noah brings a unique perspective to each project. His approach involves in-depth company research, comprehensive interviews, goal and challenge identification, recommendation preparation and presentation, and top-level guidance on implementation. With Noah’s consulting, companies often save significant resources, shave years off their innovation timeline, and experience marked improvements in organizational efficiency.
Pushing the boundaries of what is possible to expand the body of collective knowledge.
Noah conducts extensive research through the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, the Disruptive AI Lab, and the Ethical AI Forum. He has published academic papers on a range of topics, broadly covering data privacy, AI, technology law, computational mathematics, and electrical/computer engineering. He is well known for his work with AI and privacy within the healthcare industry, including developing an IOS application capable of diagnosing pneumonia from a single image of a chest x-ray in less than one second. He is the Lead Researcher of the Disruptive AI Lab, a medical AI R&D lab, and the Ethical AI Forum, a global think tank working on the safe and ethical development, deployment, and utilization of AI technologies.
In search of an engaging, charismatic, and well-spoken speaker to captivate your audience at your next event?
Meet Noah, a seasoned professional with a diverse background in AI engineering, IT consultancy, data science, and research. Noah brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the stage, delivering dynamic and customized keynotes or presentations tailored specifically to your audience. With Noah at the helm, your event will not only inform but also inspire, leaving attendees with actionable insights and a renewed sense of purpose. Elevate your event experience by booking Noah as your next speaker and let his passion for innovation and commitment to excellence shine through.
Fractional Technologist
Blending deep technical knowledge with executive experience to provide valuable insights on a fractional basis.
Noah’s experience is both wide and deep, providing him with a thorough understanding of a multitude of current and emerging technologies. Combined with his formal education in economics and entrepreneurial experience (including building and selling a seven figure company), Noah brings extensive executive experience, deep technical knowledge, and a wealth of resources to each project. He takes on fractional work as a part-time CEO, CTO, CAIO, Director of IT, and Director of Privacy at select companies looking for extreme business growth and innovative solutions.
Latest Research
Policy Proposal for Improving SDG 4, SDG 8, and SDG 9
This policy proposal contains seven policies for secondary schools to increase college matriculation rates (quality education), increase workforce salaries, and improve industry, innovation, and infrastructure. Each policy aligns to one or more Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the United Nations.
An Improved Neural Network Model Architecture
This research presents a new model for a neural network structure that is loosely based on the design of atoms and molecules, allowing for a circular flow of data. This has the benefit of allowing for pass-through nodes (increasing efficiency significantly) and allowing us to more accurately predict the binary state of a particular node in advance (0 or 1).
Analysis of Machine Learning and Computer Vision Emphasizing Unified Ant Colony Optimization
Through this paper, we analyze specific branches of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, such as Machine Learning (ML) and Computer Vision (CV). Specifically, we explore synergies between ML and CV, highlighting how Unified Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) serves as a unifying optimization technique in addressing complex problems within these domains. We also delve into the intricacies of ML and CV, examining both their theoretical foundations and practical applications, before exploring the Unified ACO algorithm and considering how it can be utilized to address difficult computational problems.
Disruptive AI Labs
A cutting edge research and development lab focused on utilizing AI and related technologies (ML, DL, NLP, NLU, etc.) for the benefit of humanity, specifically within the context of medical AI and cognitive mirroring.
Ethical AI Forum
A global think tanking working to advance society’s use of beneficial AI, while working to mitigate economic harms, privacy vulnerabilities, risk of catastrophic events, algorithmic bias, and other forms of harm.
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